How to Create a Leadership Development Program

48 mins

What we covered

Your frontline leaders need support... but they're also short on time. What's the best way to create a leadership development program, while being mindful that your leaders feel tight on time more than ever?

In this 45 minute session, our CEO Claire Lew will share the framework on creating a development training program  – based on a methodology developed over the past decade working with 30,000+ people.

You'll walk away with answers to the following:
  • How can you ensure your leadership development program is something that enables true behavior change for your managers in the shortest amount of time?
  • What's the best way to measure ROI of a leadership development program?
  • How do you structure a leadership development program especially when your organization is tight on budget and/or time?
This event is particularly useful for Heads of People, HR Leaders, and L&D Leaders.

Meet the speaker

Claire Lew
CEO at Canopy

Claire’s mission in life is to help people become happier at work. She’s been published in Harvard Business Review, Business Insider, Inc, CNBC, and Fortune, among others. She speaks internationally on how to create more open honest work environments.

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