We did all the research, so you don’t have to

Based on 50+ years of management research, we designed 120+ on-demand lessons around the most challenging leadership situations.

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Choose your own Personal Path

Our Skills Assessment creates a personal path with the right modules for you. For example:

Apply learnings with 100+ reflection exercises

Studies show self-reflection increases a person’s performance and helps them translate learning into action, even more than directly practicing the task. Our lesson reflections help you avoid forgetting what you’ve learned so that you can level-up up even faster.

Add your own notes as you go — and see the notes we wrote for you 😉

“Where’d I put my notes?!” We feel you. Because of this, we give you a place in the platform to add your own notes in-line, so you can remember key concepts. Short on time? Even better: Just reference our Cheat Sheets where we’ve written notes for you.

Stay current with fresh content every 90 days

No more archaic frameworks or outdated practices. We are constantly culling new research, pulling together the latest cutting-edge best practices so everything you learn is relevant to today’s context (not 20 years ago.)

Find any answer immediately

It’s all searchable: All Modules, Reflections, Notes, Cheat Sheets, Guides… This means when you’re facing a tough situation, or just need to quickly review something before a meeting, you’re not wasting time looking for it. Now, with Canopy, all leadership answers are at your fingertips.

“It’s something I feel like every leader who wants to lead intentionally would greatly benefit from.”

Chelsea Todd, Manager of Customer Support Operations at BetterUp

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Scale this mindset with Canopy for Teams

Don’t be the only leader in your organization who’s leveling-up. Upskill your managers across your entire organization with Canopy for Teams.

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